Julie Baldner
Housing Inspector
Housing Inspector/Landlord Relations (515) 986-1882 ext. 102 jbaldner@cirhahome.org Coordinates Section 8 Initial and Annual inspections, Landlord Relations.
Housing Inspector/Landlord Relations (515) 986-1882 ext. 102 jbaldner@cirhahome.org Coordinates Section 8 Initial and Annual inspections, Landlord Relations.
Housing Coordinator (515) 986-1882 ext. 103 rmeister@cirhahome.org Section 8 intake, Portability intake, Home Ownership Program
Housing Coordinator (515) 986-1882 ext. 110 glewis@cirhahome.org Works with Section 8 Participants with last names beginning L - Z, Security…
Housing Coordinator (515) 986-1882 ext. 104 acraig@cirhahome.org Works with Section 8 Participants with last names beginning A - K, Family…